1. Software Engineering & Programming
2. Computer Science and Engineering
3. Network & Internet Engineering or Distributed Computing Systems
4. Information Technology
5. Multimedia
6. Embedded systems
Premier Institutes and suggested order of preference.
1. IISc, Bangalore
2. IIT, Bombay / Kanpur / Madras / Delhi / Kharagpur / Roorkee / Gowhati
3. Kanwal Rekhi School of information Tehnology, IIT, Bombay ( For both CSE and IT)
4. IIIT, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Pune, Gwalior (www.iiit.ac.in/pgadmin.html)
5. NITs : Warangal / Suratkal / Tirichy / Calicut etc…..
6. Anna university, Chennai ( www.annauniv.edu)
7. Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta
8. BITS, Pilani, Mesra, Ranchi (www.bitmesra.ac.in/index.html)
M.Tech in Computer Engineering M.Tech in Software Engineering
9. University of hyderabad ( www.uohyd.ernet.in )
10. Jadavpur University, Calcutta (www.jadavpur.edu) M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering
11. SJCE (www.sjce.ac.in)
M.Tech in Network & Internet Engineering
M.Tech in Computer Engineering
M.Tech in Software Engineering
12. Pondicheerry Engineering College ( www.pec.edu )
M.Tech. Specialisation: Distributed Computing Systems
13. BMSE, Bangalore: M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering
14. Other University Colleges……
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