General Aptitude Pattern
1) Five questions carrying one mark each
One question based on simple mathematical logic (Venn diagram etc)
Two questions to choose the most appropriate word from the options given to complete the sentences.
One question to choose the word closet/opposite in meaning to given word
One question to choose a pair of word which expresses the relation in the given pair.
2) Last five questions are of 2 marks each, in which one question is to choose appropriate conclusion from a given paragraph and rest are based on mathematics.
Mathematics Pattern
1) Five questions carrying 1 mark each.
2) Five questions carrying 2 marks each.
Agricultural Engineering Pattern
Twenty questions of 1 mark each.
Twenty five questions each carrying 2 marks, which includes two pairs of common data question and two pairs of linked answer questions.
Approximately equal weightage are given to questions from three sections namely
- Farm machinery
- Post harvest
- Soil and water + irrigation and drainage.
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