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GATE Question of the Day - General Aptitude Question

There are two candidates P and Q in an election. During the campaign 40% of the voters promised to vote for P, and rest for Q. However, on the day of election !5% of the voters went back on their promise to vote for P and instead voted for Q. 25% of the voters went back on their promise to vote for Q and instead voted for P. Suppose, P lost by 2 votes, then what was the total number of voters?

A) 100

B) 110

C) 90

D) 95

A surprise to all you guys. A answer with good explanation can get a free mobile recharge worth not less than INR50. This question is remain active for 5 days.  last day to answer is 10/09/12. All the best.


manoj said...

Let the number of voters = x.
the number of candidates which promised to vote for P = .4x
the no. of candidates promised to vote for Q = x-.4x=.6x
According to given condition,
15% of .4x voters went back on their promise to vote for P and instead voted for Q.
.4x * 15/100=.06x
25% of 60 voters went back on their promise to vote for Q and instead voted for P.
.6x * 25/100=.15x
the total no. of votes for P = .4x–.06x+.15x= .49x

so as the total no. of Votes for Q =.6x+.06 – .15x = .51x

Difference of Votes = .51x – .49x = 2

so there will be hundred voters
Also P lost by 2 Votes.

⇒ Number of Voters were 100

Karthik Reddy said...

Option is A.
Let the question be solved in this way, supposing the total number of voters in village be x.
As 40% promised for P but only 25% turned back , for Q they promised 60% but only 35% votes are polled for him and remaining 25% for P.
So, P=25+25, Q=15+35
Now , the count is 50% each and now let X be the percentage of votes after poll, as per analogy X+X+2=100% or X=49% and other won by 51% out of 100% which means 100 votes polled.

Vamshi said...

A only

anu said...

it is option A 100

Anonymous said...


Examsavvy said...

@ Manoj and Karthik Reddy (Winner rs 50 mobile recharge free)
Thanks for your detailed answer. You both solved the problem with different approaches. All the best for your GATE preparation. Please contact me with your mobile number at

SRI REDDY said...

a is the answer

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